Monday 24 January 2011

Quality running, cracking birds and the cold shoulder ....

Go on, read the title and then let your mucky minds get carried away with you.  Al has gone away for the weekend and got carried away with himself ...

Well, you're well shy of the mark.  Got up and got out early Saturday morning with a mate - his poor wife and mine dropping us in the middle of nowhere on the South Downs.  We ran a solid 14.5 hilly, windy, freezing and rough terrain miles across the Downs in an enjoyable 2:15.

So, what of the cracking birds and the cold shoulder?  That would be the numerous hawks that were flying around us hunting pheasants.  And the cold shoulder - that came courtesy of the snow storm that blew up out of nowhere after the first 10 minutes of running!  Just like to point out that the cold shoulder was joined by the bloody freezing everything else.

Definitely proved itself a good run set in gnarly conditions.  Recovered really well, with no aches and no trouble from the left knee and it's good friend the patella tendon.  Legs and lungs are now feeling really strong with all the base conditioning runs and the exposure to generally crap conditions.  Ran in to work this morning at the same effort level (I think) that I have been doing, but seemed to cover the distance nearly 5 mins quicker - NICE.

Looking forward to the Sussex Marathon - especially with another couple of months training to go.  Will start to build in a fair bit more cycling too, just to keep life interesting.

Onwards and upwards ...

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