Thursday 13 January 2011

Breaking news .. Lazy fat boy uses work as an excuse!

Have ended up having a bit of an enforced rest period for the first half of this week due to a couple of factors:
  1. The rear hydraulic brake caliper on my mountain bike (which I use for getting to work) has seized.  Now, I'm ever up for a challenge,  but the thought of riding 10 miles a day with a fully locked on hyraulic brake can only ever be filed under the category of "Bloody stupid idea!!!".
  2. Work - having to bring home numerous technical and regulatory documents for review - yes, they are about as boring as that description sounds, has resulted in my not getting out in the evening.
However, decided to bite the bullet and ran to work this morning.  The challenge of limiting my heart rate is driving me to destraction, so to make it a bit more manageable, and to slow the rate of my impending insanity, I have decided to use my own RPE scale (Rate of Perceived Effort).  The scale is shown below:
  1. Recovery / Base conditioning / really easy.
  2. Easy long runs - perfect for up to marathon distance runs.
  3. Tempo pace / moderate effort.
  4. Speed work / hard effort.
  5. Balls out race pace.
Using this system I would say this morning's run wavered between 1 and 2 and gave me an average h/r of 141, which is good enough.

I weighed myself on Tuesday - just to get an idea of what I need to shift.  Wished I hadn't!  How the hell can a couple of days Christmas bingeing increase your weight by, what feels like, a quarter of a metric tonne?  I weighed in at 81kg and my ideal race weight is just 73 kg, so a bit of work to do.  The picture on the right is NOT an unfair assessment of my current state!

If you have any suggestions for helping to shift this weight please email me at:

Right, must get on - have got a mug of green tea with cranberries to enjoy and I need to steer well clear of all naughty nosh!

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