Saturday 8 January 2011

Friday Paddle / Saturday Plod

Friday swim was the first one since the week before Christmas and I knew it! Climbed into the water, after breaking the ice and shooing the penguins away, and then swam far too hard for 50m - after which I
was clinging to end of the pool gasping for air ... not a good start.

The water struck cold, despite my considerable Xmas weight gain!  The upshot of this was a much needed dose of additional buoyancy.

Slowed down and did some 100m warm ups, then went for the pull buoy and paddles, to much better effect.  Tried a few lengths with the kick board, but cramp in my calves soon put paid to that little game - bloody useless body, only asked for a few minutes kicking and it packed in after about 60 seconds!

Left the pool feeling knackered and with the feeling that I had somehow mysteriously forgotten how to swim.  Must be a strange side effect of Xmas pudding.  Supermarkets have been a bit slow to admit that on their packaging.  I will be viewing all future grocery shopping with much suspicion ...

Saturday run with the club.  Round and round the Polegrove, all on H/R limit of 145.  I know I've got to do this type of running and cycling for a few weeks to build up the endurance engine, but it is SO boring.  I will persist and it will prove to be the right thing when I run the Sussex Marathon in April.  Until then, long slow miles will be the way forward .... slowly.

Sticking with the base training now will lay the foundation for the harder training later in the spring.  It's all part of Project WIMP - Wales Iron Man Plan.

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