Monday 17 January 2011

Double helpings disappoint Lazy Fat Boy ...

The weekend update finds our hero awash with hunger and disappointment.  "Double helpings" was the offer and the greedy Lazy Fat Boy jumped at the chance.  Yippee, extra trifle and buns ....., only to find that the double helping was of RUNNING!

"Spanking! Oo Missus"
Saturday morning running club - 4 x 2km around the Polegrove - all at base heart rate for me.  It felt ridiculously easy and comfortable, which of course is the point.

Then, early afternoon, over to Birling Gap (with a mate who had come to visit for the weekend) for an easy paced 10 mile run across the Downs - ending with the Seven Sisters.  Once again kept it all nice and steady, which was pretty tricky sliding around in the mud in Friston Forest. It all felt ok, although the Seven Sisters will always give you a damn good spanking no matter how you try to run them - saucy minxes that they are.

Sunday - another good swim set concentrating only on technique - catch, glide, breathing etc.  I'm not at all concerned with speed or distance at this time.  The stroke mechanics are coming on in leaps and bounds, thanks to Dean, and my rather shaky swim confidence is also on the up.  There's a fair way to go until IMW, so I am taking the sensible route of working on my swim efficiency.  All I need to be able to do, is to get out of the water inside the swim cut-off time, feeling ready to rock the bike.

Ran to work this morning in torrential rain and arrived feeling like I'd swum - then spent the rest of the day smelling faintly like a wet dog.  Still - it's good to train in all weathers - the worse the better.  They don't call this race Iron Man for nothing, and they certainly don't give finishers' medals away free with a packet of cornflakes.  Train in anything - Race in anything is my mantra.

Until the next update - leave them donuts alone, chase the fish, spin the cranks and pound the pavements, it's all good.

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