Friday 4 February 2011

Tough week

The title of today's entry - Tough week - gives the distinct impression that I've been hard at it.  Banging out the lengths in the pool, cranking out the miles on the turbo and pounding the pavements, but ...

Work life came storming in at something bordering light speed this week.  Important visitors from our global HQ have monopolised my time big stylee.  I ended up wound like an overly tightened spring, which is why I ended up coming to running club on Wednesday.  I decided to give Tom's new core and stretch class a bash - resulting in the conclusion that I obviously need to do WAY more.  Mind you, the stretching definitely helped me in running club straight after which resulted in me completely abandoning my low rate base running.  In short I needed to cane the arse off of the pavements and really blow out the stress - 'cos it ain't healthy to let that shite float around inside you!  So a big thanks to Emma Faulkner and Marc Speed for keeping me honest on the run and for making sure that I upped the ante on each rep.

So, I woke up thursday morning with very lumpy legs - conclusion ..., speedy running hurts me but long slow super mileage just makes me smile.  Surprisingly, after the long Sunday cycling bonk, I got up feeling tired but with absolutely no tightness in the legs, weird or what?

Hoping to get in a nice long run tomorrow and a swim session on Sunday, but that will be all for this weekend as I have ended up with a load of work to bring home ... BOOOOO.  Ah well, it's not all the time and it does go with the territory, so I'll just have to man up and get it done.  This is, after all, half the battle with Iron distance training - you have to balance the training with your home life and with work commitments, some of which blur together.  Almost glad the weather is forecast for being so bad this weekend - means I won't feel like I'm missing out too much. Bloody selfish attitude that - I can't help thinking!

So, until my next musings, your wise, grumpy old life guide and friend asks that y'all take care and remember, every single day, to pick up a piece of fruit and laugh at it, and never EVER turn your back on a bowl of cornflakes .... vicious buggers them.

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