Monday 7 February 2011

Sort of a weekend

I will openly admit, and without shame or fear of retribution, that I skipped the Friday night swim session in favour of a curry and a couple of large Cobras.  Do I care? Not a jot ...

So with a crashing feeling of guilt I got up Saturday, met Tamsin at the gym and then went and ran just over 16 miles with her as part of our marathon training.  The wind blew mercilessly all the way back from Hastings, but I put that down to plain old Karma as I had sinned so badly the night before.  Goes to prove that you just can't hide from a vindictive Universe!

The run went well, although I spent all of the Hastings part completely lost.  Thankfully, Tamsin had a good idea of where we were or I would still be out there somewhere ....., much like my mind normally is.

Went to my parents for dinner and got the usual 'you need feeding up treatment'  which is pretty bloody marvellous actually.  Came away stuffed and thought that I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for swimming.

Thankfully, when the morning rolled around, I was more than up for it and had another good swim set.  Confidence is a tricky bugger to grow but myself and Dean seem to be getting there with my swimming.  Slowly slowly catchy monkey ..., or should that be dolphin?

Then spent the next 6 hours locked away at home writing a statistics technical report for work ... yes, my life is just that interesting.  Give me some numbers and a good statistical theory and I could bore diamonds back into being coal.  Ask me about hypothesis testing, p-values and the null and alternative hypothesis and see for yourself ...

Sorted out my jammed rear disc brake on my mountain bike today - removed the whole bloody lot.  Fantastic solution this as I can now ride my bike to work again.  One small, and hopefully insignificant, drawback is that I now only have a front brake!  Let us hope Jack Frost and his evil band of cold weather bastards are not coming back, or I will end up enjoying the front skid fandango.

Not sure what this week will bring as I do not feel 100% for some unknown reason.  Feels like a cold type bug is lurking again.  I shall keep my head below the parapets and skirt around this malady. 

Until further on goodly folk ...

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