Sunday 20 February 2011

Common sense will prevail .... eventually.

Quick update on the weekend's training.

Swam on Friday night with Jez - quick warm up followed by 2 * 1k, using pull-buoys and focussing on stroke technique.  Went well, technique remained good the whole set and I felt like I could have carried on - so a BIG smiley face for that bit.

Saturday morning - right calf muscle painful to the touch .... oh bugger!  Should have been feeling better but most definitely was not.  Gave running training a miss and certainly no long marathon training run - so a grumpy old man face for that bit.  Opted instead for a hill climb turbo session on the bike.  Worked hard with a steadily increasing intensity and felt on top of the world. On the face of things this sounds like a good idea, but ..., the better option would have been to have done nothing instead and rested ..., uh oh - I spy a problem here.

Sunday morning - another good swim session.  Dean very happy that I am now able to spot my technique when it goes a bit wishy washy and make corrections mid-swim.  Another good hour with both training drills and a 1k steady swim.  Back to another big smiley face again.

Talked to Paul after swimming and he was concerned about my calf muscle, but seemed even more concerned at my lack of judgement!  Should just ice and rest and let my body repair itself, not go home and jump on the turbo - decidedly unhappy face.

Suitably admonished, I went home, gentle stretches, ice and lots of rest.  Going to ensure I get loads of protein in my diet this week and will rest the legs until the pain has gone for a clear two days.  Then will get short easy runs in as a test.

Only 6 weeks until the Sussex Marathon, so need to get the body nailed back together again using a mixture of sensible training advice, chocolate milkshakes, good protein and any old rubbish I find lying around ... including the suspiciouly handy oxy-acetelene torch that always seems to be at the back of the barn, some old metal pipes, an old engine from a tractor, some bullets and a good selection of automatic assault rifles. 

Sorry about that, drifted off into the '80s there for a moment!

Busy week at work ahead, so the rest away from training will be quite difficult to deal with ... I know that might sound odd but the busier and more stressed I get at work, the more I need to train to deal with it.  However, common sense must prevail .... one day I'll get it right - one day!

Onwards goodly folks.

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