Friday 18 February 2011

Core Blimey

The human body - a wonderful bit of kit, more effective, better adapted and generally more repairable than the most expensive and flashy carbon bike could ever hope to be.  Evolution has, over time, created a machine capable of so much as demonstrated in the amazing world of triathlon.

SO WHY THE BLOODY HELL IS MY BODY SO RUBBISH!!!????  I am going to write a strongly worded letter to someone about this - my Doctor, my MP or maybe even The Times ...  Damn it all to Hades, the British spirit is supposed to overcome this sort of trivia isn't it?

At this point you could be forgiven for wondering what has sparked this little tirade of mine?  Well, since you ask, I'll tell you.  I decided to have another bash at Tom's Core Strength class on Wednesday before running as this is a good way to stretch prior to running training and also, as the name on the tin states, helps to build core strength.  This is something that I know is SO important to our sport and, I also know, is something that I need to make a few improvements in.  I was just shocked to find out that I am so unbelievable weak and feeble in the core area that I am amazed that I can actually stand upright unaided.  I am not exagerating, it really was a pathetic site to behold.

To add insult to considerable injury my leg muscles, the whole bloody lot of them, led in revolt by my mutinous calf muscles (total bastards), have turned into granite.  This may sound impressive stuff - nice rock hard muscles, good definition, paints a nice picture of a well toned athlete ...  However, what it translates to in reality is my with legs so damn stiff I am finding it difficult to walk properly, let alone run.  I am trying to ride into work nice and easily, but even that is proving difficult.

So - to fix things.  Going swimming tonight as this should, I hope, free things up a bit.  I'm going to give the running a miss this weekend, substituting easy turbo work instead - again to try and free things up.  All of which is to be substituted with lots of stretching.  I have booked an appointment with Janine in a couple of weeks, but want to try and undo at least some of the damage so as not to end up with a repeat performance of my last visit where I was reduced to a whimpering wreck!  It is truly tragic isn't it?

Now, the suspicious minded amongst you will be thinking that I have been neglecting my stretching!  In a way I wish this were true, as then I would have a blindingly obvious answer to why this problem has raised it's considerably ugly head.  But ..., that is not the case.  I have been particularly careful about stretching, so am looking for another culprit.  And I think I know what it is .... dehydration (yes, that sneaky little bugger).

I am a shameless coffee addict, drinking gallons of the stuff at work all day.  It is the life blood that keeps me going at work and I have been consuming it at the detriment of drinking water!

So once again - as much I stamp, shout and throw my teddies firmly from the pram, I am left with the inevitable conclusion that my problems are down to my own stupidity.  Consistency in an ever changing world can be a comforting thing - but this degree of self-damaging consistency is just absolute proof that I am a dumb ass.

Sir's lesson for the day - "If in doubt, stretch it out".  Stop sniggering at the back or I'll be forced to hand out detentions.  Now, where's my cane ....?

1 comment:

  1. Righto then, I'm following officially now. Am I allowed to make comments?

    The only sister (just in case you wondered!)
