Wednesday 9 March 2011

Weak Week Fizzle Blurgh

Despite all the signs being there, I haven't totally lost all sense of reason and sailed off into the sunset of insanity ... honest!

Last week felt like the toughest week of my training so far, yet I actually did next to bugger all so probably counts as my weakest.  The whole concept of mental conditioning has started to raise it's ugly head.  I have definitely under-estimated the mental trauma that this degree of continual training gives out.  No matter how much you do and how much you hurt a voice in the back of your head whispers to you that you are slacking and not doing anywhere near enough .... creepy!

I would like to point out at this point that I do not normally have a whole cast of character voices resident in my head, well ...., apart from the normal crew and they're only there to keep me company on the long training swims, rides and runs ..., wibble wibble boing.

Cycled to work but it felt like I was towing a truck.  No running and no 'proper' cycling, although I did give my road bike a clean up, a de-gunking of the drive train and a re-lube.  Altogether not very impressive.  In fact the hardest thing was having a sports massage to try and loosen off my lower back .... poor excuse I know!

However - a small redemption presented itself in the guise of a good solid swim session on Sunday morning.  A few warm up lengths and assorted drills, followed by a steady 2km set in 40 minutes.  No chance of getting any medals for that time, but not bad for me.

Cycling to work considerably more enthusiastically this week and have endured one of Steph's infamous spin classes on Monday.  Tonight I'm going to 'enjoy' one of Tom's torture sessions (stretch and core) and will follow tomorrow night with another spin class.

I'm hoping that I am finally shaking off the demons that have been haunting me about this training?

I think the lighter nights will help and a bit of warm weather never goes amiss.

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