Sunday 27 March 2011

Good weekend - happy again

It's been a good weekend - both with the weather (just) and with the training and I am starting to feel a lot happier and more positive again.

I gave swimming a miss on Friday due to feeling totally knackered.  It's not a particularly good excuse but it's the truth.  Went running with the club on Saturday and found that the Hastings Half was very much still present in the legs - but as I was running with Emma Faulkner, who was also suffering for the same reason, we both had to basically just get on with it.  After an hour  we both finished the set strong and out front - good set.

Sunday - swam 3k in 1 hour (and a smattering of seconds).  This is the furthest I've ever swam and am really pleased with the set, especially the time.  Dean kept a close watch and reckons that my technique remained really good throughout the whole set - result!  Quick bite to eat and then it was out on the bikes with SC, SK and JF.  Weather forecast was good - no rain, lots of sun.  The weather forecast was also (initially) total bollocks!  By the time we all met we were totally soaked to the skin - nice.  Thankfully it got better, although we then all had too much on, so started to overheat.  Honestly - it's just something else to moan about ...

We went out to ride the Sussex Marathon course, ready for next Sunday.  Bloody hell it's gotta lotta hill. Which is a really good thing - yes, I love running hills ...., I know, I know, bloody weird.  We then tootled off round the lanes and ended up riding for 2:45.  Good training ride with great people.  The Iron Man club is a pretty good club to be part of, just need to get my biking up to scratch a bit.

So - easy week with no training, just riding to work. Then, the Sussex Marathon next Sunday ... bring on that bad boy.

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